If you were not able to come last year to this fantastic event, don't miss it this year. You will be amazed!
Font Hill Neighborhood
Pumpkin GLOW Festival
Date: Saturday, October 26
Time: 6:30pm - 8pm
Where: Our community park
Our park will be decorated with 80 (!!) carved pumpkins, thanks to our family members volunteers. There will also be other Halloween theme decorations.
If you would like to enter the pumpkin carving contest for a chance to win a prize, bring your c...
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Our Events
<p>Neighborhood FUN events</p>
Earth Day Celebration!

When: Sunday, April 28 Where: Our community parkTime: 1 - 3 pm
Our Celebration theme is Help Save the Monarch Butterflies and our pollinators, for their sake, for OUR sake!
Our first Earth Day Celebration will feature several groups in our community giving out information, doing demonstrations and answering questions.
Come to hear about: recycling, minimizing use of plastic bags, and reducing your carbon footprint. Come to learn from one of our neighbors about honey bees and bee...
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Community Events 2019

Our neighborhood had a wonderful 2018. We held several community events our families enjoyed. I am pleased to say Our Community Spirit and Good Will can easily be seen during our events.
All events are paid from the yearly contributions received from the families in our community. Your financial support (dues and contributions) are greatly appreciated.
We strive to have a variety of events for ALL to enjoy. Families with children at home and families in t...
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Let There Be LIGHT

Font Hill Neighborhood
Saturday, December 15
Time: Start at Dusk
No matter what your religion of belief is, LIGHT is a universal symbol for;
JOIN your Font Hill Family in this beautiful event
How to participate:
Where to get the Luminarias:
For safety, our luminarias are LED based in large white opaque cups. They can be purchased at our community Holiday Gathering on Saturday, December 8 (2pm - 4pm). To ensure availabilit...
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Pumpkin GLOW Festival
Our first ever!
Font Hill Neighborhood
Pumpkin GLOW Festival
Date: Saturday, October 27
Time: 6:30 pm - 8 pm
Where: Our community park
Pumpkin GLOW Festival details
Our park will be decorated with 40 carved pumpkins GLOWING in the dark. LED lights will decorate other areas.
Help our park GLOW in the dark by bringing your already carved pumpkin. We will provide a candle or LED lights.
Enter your carved pumpkin into the carving contest for the chance to win a prize come to the tent to...
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