Our Community Brochure

Font Hill Neighborhood Association Brochure
We are proud to show our community brochure! A booklet that gives an overview of what our Neighborhood Association is all about. This was a real team effort. I would like to give a big thank you to two of our neighbors; Heather Guy donated her time as our graphic designer, she did the layout. Sarika Kapadia created the artwork on the front page. I think the art work is what makes this booklet so beautiful. Sarika our young artist was recognized at the Community Annual me...
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Why you should grow Irises in your garden

Reddish-Brown Iris flower
Spring keeps on rolling in our neighborhood but for some reason this is the first year I have noticed the Irises growing in our community. What has amazed me is the variety and the colors I am seeing, wow they are gorgeous! Of course the curious in me wanted to know more about this beauty, so thanks to Google I did a little search and here is what I have learned. History  In Greek mythology, Iris is the name of the Goddess of the Rainbow. She is also the messenger of Love and becaus...
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Spring is a busy time for Mother Nature and for People

pink cherry tree in full bloom
Yes, spring is a busy time for Mother Nature and for us humans. Mother Nature is busy shaking off the winter blues by waking up every tree, shrub, weed, or plant in the ground and offering us beautiful spring colors. Our flowering trees covered in pink, white, and purple flowers are a joy to see and they also give us what I call 'petal showers'. Spring brings rain showers and wind which shake our flowering trees making the loose petals fall, giving the illusion of snow falling. A few y...
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Motherhood, the hardest job I have ever had

red tulips for mom
You can be an engineer, a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, a nurse, a scientist to name a few.......but I have to say motherhood was (still is) the hardest job I have ever had but also the most rewarding. This job has the highest risk with illusions of being in-control at times but in reality with little control. It is a 24-7 hour job, 365 days of the year. And once a mother you are always a mother no matter how grown your children are. While you are in the midst of it, it seems never endi...
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Welcome Spring!

flowering purple crocus
I guess we know how to welcome spring, with snowflakes and cold temperatures. Yes, old Father Winter and Frosty would not leave without a final hurrah. But what a beautiful day we are having today! It will not be long before snow and freezing temperatures will be just a faint memory and we will be in full spring mode. Many of our cherry trees have started to bloom and some of the daffodils are flowering as well. Spring rolls out beautifully in our neighborhood in waves of colors wit...
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