Thank You Mother Earth for the sun, the rain, the flowers, the trees and so much more.
Thank you for all the beauty you bring us.
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<p>News and commentary around the neighborhood.</p>
Happy Easter
Orchids, Orchids Everywhere
Yes, it seems odd that orchids, a tropical plant, start to flower (in my house) late February early March but they do, as if to announce spring is just around the corner.
I love orchids and I have been growing them them for many years. Some people say they are hard to grow, the answer is Yes and No. The easiest ones to grow are the Phalaenopsis family, anyone can grow these.
I find orchids amazingly beautiful, mesmerizing and fascinating. Some fascinating facts about orchids can be ...
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It is Still Winter in Our Neighborhood
Our spring-like weather we have been experiencing in February is gone, old father winter is taking advantage of the last few days of winter. Our latest snowstorm dropped just a couple of inches of snow followed by some rain making this snow very wet and very hard to shovel, it was real heavy. The temperatures fell below freezing with lots of cold wind making it feel even colder.
Flowers such as daffodils, bushes and cherry trees started to bloom early this year but this snap of cold weath...
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Four Spring Events to Enjoy in Washington DC
Hello Early Spring!?
The calendar says it is still winter but I think springtime is coming sooner than we think. In the middle of February we are experiencing weather in the mid-70's! The birds are chirping, the grass is getting greener, the bushes are filling up with buds, and the daffodil bulbs are growing fast.
With the warmer and sunny days my internal clock starts thinking of the many spring events I enjoy going to in my area, so around this time I start putting together my own personal...
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