If you have just moved into our neighborhood, this is a great opportunity to meet other families in our community.
Come to make friends. Come to eat delicious food. Come to meet your Font Hill family.
Bring your smiles. Bring a dish to share.
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Our Events
<p>Neighborhood FUN events</p>
FUN Events 2018
Time to have FUN!!!!!
Time to build friendships. Time to enjoy our neighborhood.
Time to Promote Community Spirit and Good Will in our neighborhood.
2018 Events and Activities
Heritage Day Celebration - May 19
Neighborhood Wide Spring Garage Sale - May 5
Firefly walk - June - date TBD
4th of July Parade & Celebration - July 4th
Neighborhood Wide Fall Garage Sale - May date TBD
Pumpkin Festival and Contest - October 27
Holiday Food Drive - Nov-Dec
Font Hill LIGHT Celebration- ...
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Holiday Food Drive
All food donations will be given to the church of the Resurrection Food Pantry to help feed families in need in Howard County. Please share your blessings.
Food items needed:
Canned Beef Stew
Canned Wieners of Vienna Sausage
Canned Hearty Soups
Canned Fruit
Pasta Sauce
Canned Tomato sauce or Canned Tomatoes
Boxed Macaroni and Cheese
Canned meatballs Spaghetti O's or Ravioli
Juice Boxes
Canned Mixed Vegetables, Potatoes, Carrots, Peas, S...
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Let There Be A LIGHT Celebration
A long time ago, our neighborhood was known for beautiful illuminated Luminarias in front of our houses and in our common areas on the night before Christmas, December 24. This wonderful tradition died out basically due to bad weather on that day.
This year we are going to start reviving this tradition with a new and improved version of Luminarias that will use LED lights instead of candles.
Saturday, December 16
Here is all you need to know to participate.
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Neighborhood Movie
COME and JOIN your neighborhood family
In case of bad weather check here for the update.
See you then!
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