Winter 2016 has finally arrived and with a punch

snowed in outdoor furniture
Theoretically the winter season starts on December 21 and ends March 19. So far this winter season had been a rather mild and snowless season until January 22, 2016. The blizzard that dumped 30 inches of snow in our neighborhood left us all breathless, weary, and wishing for spring to come soon. Here are some photos from the blizzard snowstorm, #snowzilla2016. All was quiet, all was white.     Spring come soon!  
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Happy New Year!

I hope this New Year brings you and your family Health, Peace of Mind, and Happiness. As the Holiday break comes to an end with kids going back to school and parents going back to the work, it seems winter has finally arrived. However, Mother Nature is really confused because during a recent visit to the Natural History Museum in DC, I saw daffodils in bloom and Cherry trees with blossoms! And I got the pictures to prove it. It has been crazy weather! Before the Christmas season is ove...
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