Holiday Food Drive

All food donations will be given to the church of the Resurrection Food Pantry to help feed families in need in Howard County. Please share your blessings. Food items needed: Canned Beef Stew Canned Wieners of Vienna Sausage Canned Hearty Soups Canned Fruit Pasta Sauce Canned Tomato sauce or Canned Tomatoes Cereal Oatmeal Boxed Macaroni and Cheese Canned meatballs Spaghetti O's or Ravioli Juice Boxes Canned Mixed Vegetables, Potatoes, Carrots, Peas, S...
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Let There Be A LIGHT Celebration

A long time ago, our neighborhood was known for beautiful illuminated Luminarias in front of our houses and in our common areas on the night before Christmas, December 24.  This wonderful tradition died out basically due to bad weather on that day. This year we are going to start reviving this tradition with a new and improved version of Luminarias that will use LED lights instead of candles. Font Hill LIGHT CELEBRATION  Saturday, December 16 Here is all you need to know to participate. ...
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