Let There Be A LIGHT Celebration
Posted on by Vilma

A long time ago, our neighborhood was known for beautiful illuminated Luminarias in front of our houses and in our common areas on the night before Christmas, December 24. This wonderful tradition died out basically due to bad weather on that day.
This year we are going to start reviving this tradition with a new and improved version of Luminarias that will use LED lights instead of candles.
Saturday, December 16
Here is all you need to know to participate.
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Luminarias, A Wonderful Spanish and Mexican Tradition
Posted on by Vilma

Before Christianity, pagans used to lite huge bonfires to celebrate feasts dedicated to their gods. Shepherds also lit bonfires to stay warm and scare away predators. When Christianity arrived in Spain the pagan tradition was embraced by lighting bonfires (luminarias) along the roads and churchyards to guide people to Midnight mass on the last day of Las Posadas on December 24.
Las Posadas is the reenactment of the Holy Family search for lodging in Bethlehem before baby Jesus was born. La...
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Happy New Year!
Posted on by Vilma
I hope this New Year brings you and your family Health, Peace of Mind, and Happiness.
As the Holiday break comes to an end with kids going back to school and parents going back to the work, it seems winter has finally arrived. However, Mother Nature is really confused because during a recent visit to the Natural History Museum in DC, I saw daffodils in bloom and Cherry trees with blossoms! And I got the pictures to prove it. It has been crazy weather!
Before the Christmas season is ove...
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Holiday Lights in our Neighborhood – 2014
Posted on by Vilma
It is the Christmas season and many houses in our neighborhood are all beautifully decorated with outdoor Christmas lights.
Here is a video created from photos taken in 2014, I hope you enjoy it .
Merry Christmas to you ALL!
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