Our neighborhood had a wonderful 2018. We held several community events our families enjoyed. I am pleased to say Our Community Spirit and Good Will can easily be seen during our events.
All events are paid from the yearly contributions received from the families in our community. Your financial support (dues and contributions) are greatly appreciated.
We strive to have a variety of events for ALL to enjoy. Families with children at home and families in the empty-nest phase of life.
As always, all our events are held outdoors which makes it a challenge because sometimes mother nature does not cooperate. In that case we will try to hold the event at a later date, if possible. Updates are sent via email to those in the community database.
Our 2019 spring events have a theme. Save the dates! Stay in touch.
Appreciate – Protect – Enjoy!
Be Part of the Solution
Here is a list of what we are working on:
- Garden Club Talk – Help Save the Monarch Butterflies
- Community wide Garage Sale
- Earth Day Celebration – Sunday April 28 (1 – 3pm)
- Wetland Park Tour
- Firefly walk in our park
- July 4th Parade and Celebration – on July 4th
- Garden Club event – Monarch Butterflies sightings
- Pumpkin GLOW Festival – October 26
- Holiday Food Drive to support HoCo families in need
- Font Hill Holiday Gathering
- Font Hill LIGHT CELEBRATION & Luminarias – Dec 14