The last 16 months have been hard on everyone, COVID-19 has been quite an experience. But as we start to come out from under it, let us come out and celebrate LIFE, LIBERTY and community.

Parade details:
- When: 4th of July (rain or shine)
- Time: Parade starts at 11am (approximately)
- Start point: Our park entrance by the Font Hill side road
Parade route:

How to be in the Parade
- Decorate your car in a Patriotic theme: balloons, flags, etc.
- Wear Patriotic gear.
- Drive your car to the entrance of our park on the Font Hill road side to line up at 10:45am on July 4th.
- No bicycles. No tricycles. No skates. No wagons allowed along with the Car Parade.
- Everyone in the car parade will receive an ice cream sandwich and a cookie.
Here are a few photos from our 2020 Patriotic Car Parade
We invite everyone in our neighborhood to come out to your driveway and watch the parade go by. Wave your flags, clap, make some happy noise and wish everyone a Happy 4th!
Let’s Celebrate
The Land of the FREE because of the BRAVE.