If you were not able to come last year to this fantastic event, don’t miss it this year. You will be amazed!
Font Hill Neighborhood
Pumpkin GLOW Festival

Date: Saturday, October 26
Time: 6:30pm – 8pm
Where: Our community park
Our park will be decorated with 80 (!!) carved pumpkins, thanks to our family members volunteers. There will also be other Halloween theme decorations.
If you would like to enter the pumpkin carving contest for a chance to win a prize, bring your carved pumpkin before 6:30pm and register at the tent. Don’t forget to pick up your pumpkin at the end of the event. We are not responsible if left behind.
Everyone that comes can vote; pick up a form at the tent.
Prizes categories are: Scariest, Funniest, Best Overall.
Festivities include:
A warm drink and a cookie
Small treats for everyone.
Glow-in-the-dark items
Halloween music.
Come to ENJOY a warm drink while viewing our community pumpkins GLOWing in the dark.
COME to ENJOY Community!